Fives and Frameworks
Todd Caponi's 5 Fs Framework and more tips to help you lead your sales team
High Five friends 🖐
I’ve been a sales leader long enough to know one thing. We all could use as much help as we can get.
We’re never comfortable.
We’re always looking for the latest/best/most pertinent Gif to send to our team that perfectly motivates and inspires. (Hey - my team has a strong Gif game in our team chat - it’s fiercely competitive).
But seriously - we all want more. We want to get better. We want to win.
So in the spirit of improvement and sharing, this week is all about getting better, or learning a bit more what it takes to improve as a sales leader today.
In this week’s edition of Stretch Weekly -
Join John Barrows chat with Todd Caponi as they discuss leadership and Todd’s “5 F” Framework for Sales Leadership.
Hear from Katy McFee on 5 attributes we can develop to position ourselves on the path to leadership.
Plus solid sales-leadership focused snippets you can use today in your role as a sales leader and gif sender.
THANKS for reading!!
And lastly - as always, if you find this newsletter valuable- subscribe or share it with someone who might as well 👊.
5-F Framework for Sales Leadership
It’s been a while since I’ve featured anything from either John Barrows or Todd Caponi - so I’m excited to share this one. Give it a listen and if you don’t have time, fast forward to the final 6 minutes where Todd outlines his “5 Fs” Framework for Sales Leadership (new book coming soon).
Focus. Make sure team is focused on right opportunities, demographics etc.
Field. Recruit and enable the right reps at the right places, with the right tools, resources etc.
Fundamentals. What do reps have to get right? Positioning, prospecting, messaging, etc.
Forecast. Measure the metrics and KPIs to get this right.
Fun. How do we create an environment where reps WANT to come here, stay and do their best?
5 Attributes To Position Yourself on the Path to Leadership
I stumbled on this really well thought out article from Katy McFee on 5 attributes we can develop to position ourselves on the path to leadership.
These 5 attributes will position you as a leader, even a great leader, and apply to all areas of leadership.
As a leader, one of the most valuable things you can do is to highlight the right insights to the leadership team and propose a path forward.
Check out the full article HERE
“I say dance, they say ‘How high?'” You can learn a lot from success, but you can learn even more from failure. No one embodies this truth like Michael Scott—the king of paper merchantry, the greatest manager Dunder Mifflin ever saw (or so he’d like to have you think). Jackie Goudreault gives us 5 + 3 = 8 Sales Lessons from Michael Scott.
Scott Leese discusses building high performing sales teams, throwing caution to the wind, and preparing for a VP of Sales role with Marcos Serna and Andy Chen on the SalesLife podcast.
David Priemer tells leaders, that when people are reduced to cogs in a machine, they become disengaged and ultimately care less about their results. If you want to engage your team members and help them act with purpose, they need to understand the “why?” behind what they’re being asked to do.
👉 Excellent write-up on David Novak - the former Yum Brands CEO and leadership podcast host whom I’ve also featured here. Highlight: Novak touts the value of asking for help or advice. He notes that the leaders he has interviewed on his podcast, including quarterback Tom Brady and JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, are “avid learners” who are always looking for new ideas and insights.
💥 Elevate the conversation. Share data-driven insights. Remove obstacles. Create a culture of collaboration. Maximize trust. Read more on Gong’s 5 Habits of High Performing Enterprise Leaders.
🧠 Mindset
Thanks for reading!
My hope is if you find this valuable, consider sharing it with friends (or signing up if you haven’t already).
— Grant 👋
About stretch vp: confessions, learnings, and insights from sales leaders in SaaS
Compiled and aggregated from a network of sales leaders in SaaS, Stretch VP showcases learnings, insights, and experiences as well as best practices to overcome common hurdles, obstacles, and setbacks in your quest for excellence as a sales leader in SaaS.
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