Hey -
It’s not you, it’s me.
Call it a summer sabbatical. Call it a mental health holiday.
You see - this week marks the 171st consecutive weekly email I’ve curated, crafted, drafted, and sent.
Over 680 of you have trusted me with your email each week. THANK YOU!
What started over 3 years ago with “I’m gonna put some thoughts out there to share my learnings” turned into something I’ve cared deeply about - and still do.
But, its time to press pause on the typical Wednesday morning structured email format.
There’s really no reason to make this more than it is. I want some time to enjoy the summer with my family (my oldest graduates High School this week and leaves for greener pastures). I need some time to pause, think, refresh, and recharge. (Burnout is a real thing…ya know?)
I have many ideas, tweaks, hypotheses, and things I want to try with this Ol’ Bailey Building and Loan…err - newsletter.
I’m not going anywhere, neither is this STRETCH VP thing. But it may look a bit different. I’m excited to test and try new ideas and see what happens. I’m thinking:
short snippets I’ve found interesting (substack notes)
random thoughts, musings, and legit questions for a broader discussion (enter Substack chat)
podcast interviews (or verbal weekly readings) *I’ve been saying this too long
non-structured weekly (or bi-weekly, monthly) emails…
Less structure, more authenticity.
So until next time friends, whenever that is….
Thanks for reading!
My hope is if you find this valuable, consider sharing it with friends (or signing up if you haven’t already).
— Grant 👋
About stretch vp: confessions, learnings, and insights from sales leaders in SaaS
Compiled and aggregated from a network of sales leaders in SaaS, Stretch VP showcases learnings, insights, and experiences as well as best practices to overcome common hurdles, obstacles, and setbacks in your quest for excellence as a sales leader in SaaS.
Are you a VP, Director, thought leader, or content producer in the SaaS space? We’d love to have you contribute. Just reply to this email and I’ll be in touch.
Also… check out the blog or follow on Twitter
Enjoy your break, friend 🙂